Sunday, December 17, 2023

December 11

The days have been a little wild lately. I will have to check to see when the full moon is. That’s what I feels like. I just checked though and the full moon isn’t until the 26th. Bella lost her mind this morning, and attacked a rooster. Apparently he is fine and so is she, but that never happens. Not only that, but Spots was on guard for some reason. I never did figure out why, but she was standing there waiting for something and watching. 
Spots must have gotten over whatever her issue was because all of the horses were eating on the hay bale together when I got home. They do make me laugh. 

Bella also stole Maggie's food tonight, so I had to trick Maggie to eat Bella's food. What the heck is going on here? I know it is something. 

Maggie is not looking too good, but she is getting around better. The last few days she has done really well. Pepper, too. Things are looking up for the moment. 

Lester was up on the hay bale just crowing away today like he was king of the farm today. It’s funny how that king thing changes almost everyday. 

Willow was saying hello to the other pasture donkeys tonight. I do like how she does that. She wants to be friends with everyone in all the areas of the farm. There are a few that do not like her though, mainly the horses. 

It looked like Jelly was going to attack the rooster who was already attacked today, but he did not attack the rooster. The rooster was smart and went into another pasture today to stay away from the dog. 

I had to make sure Lester ate again tonight. Those roosters are just mean to him. I hope he can with stand the meanness. He is my favorite these days. He sticks to himself and does not cause issues like the other roosters do. 

I did get to see a moment with Willow, Pete, and Pedro. Those three look just alike. Its funny. It’s a dad and half siblings. They all look like family, but Pedro is not Pete's dad but he is Willow's dad. Regardless, they look like family. 

I got to love on the donkeys tonight. I do love them so much and honestly, I do think they love me, too. Pedro even gave me some smiles tonight. I love to see that also. 

Pete is getting wholly with the colder weather coming. At least he will be warm. 

Yeller took a break from being in the crate tonight. He was hanging out with Tinkerbelle and Cinderella. I did have to go make sure he could get up. He was so comfortable; he did not want to move. 

Ted is eating again. I guess the wormer worked. I am so happy he is doing better. We also got two bowls for them also, so that might have something to do with it. 

Mattie is still not feeling well. You can just see it on his face. I know it will take time. He will eventually be fine. 

The pigs are not having any difficulties. Thats normal and I have to say that is such good news. 

The sunset was beautiful again tonight and Willow looked beautiful in front of it. 

I did notice after I fed the pigs, Willow was struggling again with choking. That makes me freak out. I watched her for an hour afterwards and she did get whatever it was up and she was eating when I went in. It looks like she is eating too fast because the cows are struggling with what they think is starvation, so they steal Willow and Noma's food, so Willow eats it so fast and then chokes. 

The cows were hungry enough to eat part of the hay bale they do not like. I caught them on camera, so they cannot deny it. 
I went out to give the pigs straw for their houses since it is getting cooler. The cows wanted to run me over for it. 

Obviously, they did not do that. I also thought they were going to take down the fencing in one of the pig pens because they wanted that straw so badly. They did get a few bites of the straw. I told Ronnie he would need to put a new hay bale out there for them so they would chill out. 

The pigs were grateful for the straw. They love to spread it out. 
It was such a wild day, but it did end. 

Word of the day is wild. Isaiah 13:21

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