Sunday, December 17, 2023

December 9

Today was the day for the book signing. It went so well. I am humbled and grateful for everyone who came by. I also was able to get the new children's book shipped to me before the event, so seeing the children who invested their time and effort see their work in a book was the best part for me. I did this to help with self-esteem and confidence for them. I wanted to show them what it feels like to have a great accomplishment. I feel like it will help them later in life, or that was my goal for the project. It helped me and I hope it helped them also. Being a kid is hard, let's do something to boost them up. It was a great event and I hope to be able to do that again. 

Yeller is looking better, but he is still hanging out in the crate healing up and staying warm. It did get cold today, so I totally get it. I sure did not want to go outside, but I did. 

The horses were going crazy with the cooler weather, running back and forth. They were acting a fool, in my opinion. Jeb does freak me out with all that. He is the youngster in the pasture with a bunch of old fogies. I do not want him to injure one of the other one's with all his playfulness. 

The horses got all the other animals stirred up and running around like crazy. It is kinda funny to watch them all running around without an end in sight. 

It does look like we may have some weather coming in. The clouds were something to see. 

Ronnie and I did go to Odessa for his company Christmas party. It was nice to get out and meet some people, but it was good to get home. 

When we got home late, there was an owl that was trying to get to the tree chickens. The chickens had found shelter with the goats and the owl was scared off, but that is scary, too. 

Word of the day is humbled. James 4:6

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