Sunday, December 17, 2023

December 12

And this morning is no different than yesterday morning. I saw Jeb laying down in the barn, which I do not see him laying down in the barn often. I started hollering for him, but he did not move. I thought he might have been hurt or something, like always. I asked Ronnie to go check on him. He went out to check on Jeb and of course Jeb was fine. That figures. At least he was okay. I wish he would stop doing that. I should be happy that he is comfortable enough to lay down like he does, but I know he won't do that. By the time I left for work, he was already up and eating with the rest of the horses. 

The last few days have been a mess of struggles, even if they are nothing big. I looked up when I was driving to work and saw that rainbow like cloud that I see when I need to feel God around me. It was something I needed to see and remember that God is always with me even when I am feeling low. 

Ted is still doing better, and I am happy about it. It did not take him long to get better. I hope it stays that way. 

Ned came over to see me. He is such a sweet donkey these days. 

The cows did get a new hay bale and they were so happy about it. They made a big production of how happy they were. 

Jeb is still being weird and obnoxious. He is such a mess. The feeding schedule was messed up and Jeb ate Chief's food and then was upset about Chief eating his food. It was a mess. 
I did love on Jeb even if I am aggravated with him. I do still love him even though he is so rotten. 

Yeah, the cows are definitely happy about a new hay bale, but so are Willow and Noma. 

I loved on Bill and Ted tonight. They are the best. They both are so sweet and loving. 

I wondered if the chickens would continue to roost in the tree after the owl incident and now all the leaves are gone from the tree, but it looks like they are going to continue to roost there. 

Word of the day is comfort. Psalm 119:76

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