Monday, December 4, 2023

December 4

Today is my grandpa’s 96th birthday. He is so funny. He was telling me he was telling people he was actually 86. That was funny. He is a mess but it’s fantastic that I still have him in my life. 

The Mattie saga is over. Ronnie went out to feed and Mattie was in the trailer. That was a shocker. I guess Mattie decided it was time and it wasn’t scary anymore. I’m still in shock. The trailer has been out there for almost a month. It took him that long to see it was okay. 

Carlos got some attention today. He let me love on him and pet him. It was a sweet moment. He has always been friendly but he is in the pasture a lot lately. 

Jeb gave me some love tonight. I needed it and I’m sure he knew it. Horses have that kind of insight. 

When I got home Mattie was still in the trailer. It almost looked like he didn’t know how to get out. When Ronnie saw Mattie was still in the trailer, he immediately called the vet’s office. The vet said they could get him in tomorrow, so looks like Mattie is going to the vet tomorrow. Ronnie shut the door to the trailer. Before he did, he put more hay and water in there for him. I’m excited to get this done. Mattie will have to go back into the pen for a few weeks to heal and then he will be free. 

Willow was running around the pen and playing with a ball. She was happy to be in there, not locked in. It almost looked like she was trying to get to her brother. She couldn’t get to him but it looked like she was trying. 

I have at least one follower these days and his name is Jelly. He is still following me around the pasture. 

Mattie was good in the trailer. He was even making faces at me, so I knew he was okay. 

Yeller was curled up in the crate staying warm and away from everyone else. The sun was setting, so I understand that. 

Wheezy was perched up on one of the sheep’s back. It cracks me up to see that. I haven’t seen that in a while. 

Maggie is doing better. Every time I think this is it, she perks up and decides it’s not over. I’m happy for every day she is here. 

Bubba is not doing well either, but he is hanging in there. He was hanging out with Maggie and pepper today. He grabbed me hand demanding attention. It’s funny to see him doing that. 

Word of the day is shocked. Psalm 143:4

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