Sunday, December 17, 2023

December 10

 I was tired today. If I am being honest, I was in bed most of the day reading because I wanted to relax. That is exactly what I did and I enjoyed it. I do not get to do that often. I sure needed it. 

Ted is still not eating. He looks like he wants to, but he just is not feeling well. Poor guy. Ronnie and I did wrangle both the sheep and gave them wormer, so hopefully that fixes the problem. Ted did a little tonight, but not much after the meds. 

Willow did eat with the chickens tonight. Every once in a while, Willow would head swipe at one of them to get them to away from the food. 

Noma is being nuts trying to eat with Alex. She has to watch out for the horns that is for sure. It does look like he was allowing her to eat with him which is a weird occurrence. 

The horses got a new hay bale tonight and they were happy about it. 

Willow did have a choking incident tonight. It was weird and she got over it, but that is a scary thing. I really do not want to see that again. 

Not much to report today. I needed a small break and took advantage of the day. 

Word of the day is quiet. Isaiah 14:7

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