Sunday, December 17, 2023

December 16

 Today was a long day, but worth every minute. We spent the day at my Gramma and Ampa's house for our Christmas celebration. All of my family was there, so it was a full house. We had pizza and lots of laughs. We did our Christmas gift exchange. It was a good day. 

We did drive home tonight as well which is hard, but we made it. That drive is exhausting, but we made it. It is always hard for me to leave, but we do what we can with the little time we have. We make every minute worth it. 

I did get updates from my friends on the animals while we were gone, and all the animals are fine. I knew they would be. I have no idea why I get so anxious about it. 

Word of the day is family. Proverbs 22:6

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