Sunday, December 3, 2023

November 28

The chickens are now getting egg booster in the feed. We have not been getting many eggs lately, so Ronnie got some of this to try. I know we have tried it before, but we are trying again. 

The chickens were all playing on the hay bales. They crack me up doing that. I’m not sure what they are doing. The cats were doing it, too. I guess whatever keeps them happy. 

It looks like the pigs are trying to dig out of the fence. I’m not sure where in the world they think they are going. They sure are something. 

The donkeys were way off in the distance this evening under the sunset. It’s so beautiful to see them out there like that. 

Athena sure can get up on some high structures around here. How she gets up on top of those shelters is a mystery to me. How does she get down? Who knows. 

The cows have been extra aggressive about food. The hay was switched to something they act like they don’t like, so they are trying to take everyone’s food. We have been feeding them more to help that problem go away. 

The Porky, Waldo, Buckwheat situation is still going well with putting food in two bowls. Porky is at least getting to eat. That’s what I was hoping for. 

The pasture goats came to visit me tonight while I was out there. I miss them when they don’t come to see me much. They were some of the first ones here. 

Good ole’ Lester is such a good rooster. Out of all the roosters we have ever had here, he is the most docile. The rest of them are just mean and aggressive to the hens. 

Willow was trying to play tonight and it was hilarious to watch her be a young donkey. She is really growing up. Her personality is starting to shine.

My little sassy chicken was giving me more sassy looks tonight. She is absolutely hilarious with her looks she gives me.

Word of the day is mystery. Job 11:7

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