Saturday, December 30, 2023

December 25

 It is Christmas Day 2023. I did end up having the day off which does not happen often. Ronnie and I did some relaxing to enjoy the day together. We opened a few gifts and he cooked dinner later in the day. It was a good day. I hope everyone had a good Christmas and I hope everyone was remembering the reason for the Christmas season. 

Bubba did some cuddling today. He is such a sweet cat. I know his days are numbered which makes me extremely sad, but we are enjoying every minute we have left with him. Persia is doing better than Bubba, but she is slowing down also. She was soaking in the sun today. 

Mattie is doing better. He is starting to really act like himself. I am glad he is doing so well. He was braying a lot of the day today wanting more food and attention. It makes me smile. 

The full moon was starting to come up as I was out feeding tonight. It sure was a beautiful sight. 

The full moon usually brings wild behavior from the animals. Jeb did not disappoint. He was trying to unlatch the gate to get to some feed. Silly horse. 

I was able to give the sheep love and attention. They really are the sweetest little things. I am glad they are here. They can brighten anyone's day. 

I did get pictures of most of everyone today. They were liking the weather. It was a little chilly, but not too bad. 

Snowflake is still doing well. It looks like she is going to make it after her little issue with the string. 

I did think Gus was going to literally climb the fence to get to the food tonight. He acts like he is starving. I promise you, he is not. 

Willow was wanting some attention tonight and I gladly gave it to her. She was enjoying eating the rest of the hay bale on her own. 

The tree chickens looked a little creepy tonight with the big full moon behind them. 

I found 19 eggs in a spot we had not looked in a couple of weeks. I decided to leave them and I would pick them up tomorrow. 

Word of the day Christmas. Luke 2:7

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