Monday, December 25, 2023

December 24

Since I have the time off, I continued on with my projects. I am getting some things accomplished and that makes me feel productive. I feel like we all need that in life, just to feel like we are productive at some things. It also feels good to be able to mark things off a list, at least it does for me. Peria does have to always be up in the middle of things. 

Snowflake was out and eating with the other chickens tonight, so that is a good sign. I was happy to be able to see that from her. 

I watched Hercules out in the pasture. He was standing in one spot and watching the cows across the road. He just stood there watching. I wonder what he was thinking. 

The weather took a cold spell and the animals were all acting crazy tonight. The full moon is coming also, so it is a toss up to which thing is making them act crazy. The roosters were all wild. Chloe wanted no part in any of it, so she hid the best she could away from it all. It seemed to work for her. 

The horses all ate where they were supposed to. That is a good thing. I call it a win for the day. The cows and donkeys did, too, so that is a triple win. 

Mattie is starting to remind me of Cracker Jack. Cracker Jack knew what time it was and would bray when we were late with feeding. He must have taught Mattie to do that. He has started doing that also. I always think of Cracker Jack when I hear the braying at feeding time. It makes me both happy and sad at the same time. 

There have been no more incidents with the pigs. Ronnie has been feeding them and Darla has not tried to get out with him feeding. They are all doing their normal thing. 

The animals are all doing fine even with the cooler weather coming through. 

I fed Bubba and Persia some wet cat food. I do not think it is working like it was. Bubba is still losing weight at a fast pace. He is not well. Persia is doing better than Bubba, but I think she is slowing down as well. It is heartbreaking to watch, but I will continue to do what I can for them. 

Word of the day is productive. Ecclesiastes 9:10

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