Saturday, December 30, 2023

December 27

 It was another frosty morning. It probably will be for the rest of the winter, but we will see. The horses were eating up the last of their hay bale in the pasture with the sun rising in the background. 

Willow was aggravating the pigs again. I think they might have come to an understanding. The pigs are not squealing near as much when Willow is around them. 

Ronnie bought a wheat bale of hay for the cows and donkeys. The last time he did that, they did not eat it. They gave him the look of disbelief and displeasure in that decision. They showed him they were not going to eat it. I had to laugh. 

Yeller was laying in the corner of the shop like he was laying on eggs again, but there were no eggs. Thank goodness. 

Ronnie did block the entry way to the shop in the back where the chickens were coming in to lay eggs so we would not have to deal with the trauma. He did that yesterday and there were no eggs in the shop today, so I was able to open it a crack so they could come in and out. 

The donkeys were way off in the distance, but I could only see 3 of them. I did not know who was missing since they were so far away. I look to my left and I see Ned had walked the goats back to the barn. That was nice of him. He then stared off into the distance and ran back to his friends. I know the bond they have cannot be broken. 

It looks like all the animals were happy and healthy tonight. That is all I could ask for. It is hard work, but they make it worth it. 

I did pet and love on Gus tonight. He is still such a loving pig. He craves attention and he knows how to get it. 

The cows may not want the new wheat hay bale but Willow and Noma will eat it. 

The horses got a new hay bale tonight also. 

Oh Maggie, she is such a good dog. I loved on her and petted her tonight. I know the days are numbered with her as well. She is not doing well. Pepper is doing better than Maggie, but she is slowing down also. 

 Word of the day is bond. Colossians 2:2

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