Tuesday, December 5, 2023

December 5

Today Mattie went to the vet. This has been in the works a long time. Ronnie did say he didn’t want to get out of the trailer and they had to force him out. Poor guy, I bet he was terrified. It hurts my heart. 

I left work and raced home to check on Mattie. When I pulled in the driveway, I saw Ronnie’s truck but no trailer and my heart sank. Ronnie met me in the driveway which made things worse. I then frantically asked about Mattie. He said Mattie was fine. The vet office wanted to keep him overnight for observation. Whew. I was nervous. I know donkeys have an extra vein or something they have to make sure is tied off or they could bleed out. This vet wanted to make sure Mattie was absolutely fine before he is sent home. I’m still nervous because he is not here, but he will be home tomorrow. I just keep think of how scared he must be without his people. It will all be okay. I keep saying it will be okay. 

Bella did not want to go outside to eat. She is acting like she did not feel good. It took her a long time to eat tonight. 

I noticed Carlos did not come toward the barn with the other goats. He stayed out with the donkeys. That’s pretty rare. 

This morning before I left, Jeb was laying down again. I was already freaked out and that didn’t help, but I figured he was okay. 

When I got home, the horse, except for Jeb, were all lined up with their rears pointed toward the fence. It was weird to see. 

Word of the day is scared. 1 John 4:18

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