Monday, October 30, 2023

October 30

Well it was super cold this morning, but it was beautiful outside. Noma was the only one brave enough to be eating outside the shelters in that pasture. 

The reflection on the barn from the sun was a pretty sight to see. 

The horses were enjoying their hay this morning. The scene was gorgeous. It did warm up a bit later. 

Yeller is standing better, but he is not well yet. He was hiding out in the crate with Onyx today. They are cute. I know they are staying warm in there. 

Tinkerbelle knocked down a board on the fence and has eaten a hole in the table in the shop. I cannot even be upset with her. It’s too funny. 

Waldo and Buckwheat are still bullying Porky away from the food. He eats until it gets low and then they kick him away from the food. I tried to give him more today in another place but he would not eat it. 

The sheep got some extra attention tonight. They are just the happiest little animals. 

I tried to give Mattie some medicine tonight to relax him a bit to get the halter on, but it didn’t work. We will try again tomorrow. He is getting so big. 

They are putting up more and more windmills up around here. 

Word of the day is reflection. Proverbs 27:19

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