Saturday, October 28, 2023

October 28

Most of the day was spent on a class. Oreo and Ursula kept me company through the class. 

These younger chickens drive Maggie crazy trying to take her food. She does bark at them to get them away from her. 

The cats are still stay close to Yeller. He has been out and about more today. 

We still have a bunch of chickens around here. The egg production does not show it though. 

The donkey and goats are enjoying the cooler weather. They have been hanging out in the pasture. 

I stopped throwing the chicken feed over the gate to keep Noma and Willow out of it. Willow was not happy about that today. She stood at the fence staring at those chickens like she was jealous. 

The donkeys like to watch over the fence. It’s almost like they are protecting the animals over the fence. 

Jeb sure is a beautiful horse. He looked so majestic standing there eating today. 

Chief ran off the horses from their feed trough this evening since Ronnie was putting out another hay bale. The other three are Jeb’s food since he was eating Chief’s food and then they all went toward the hay bale. 

Chloe gets more to eat than any of the other chickens since she hangs out in the horse pasture. She eats what the horses drop. 

Spots and Jeb have a sweet little relationship. They have become good friends lately. 

Yeller is staying in the shop since the temperatures are dropping this evening. 

I put out more straw for all the pigs since it’s supposed to be in the 30s tonight. 

Ronnie put out shavings for the goats, sheep, and Mattie for the weather coming in. 

The donkeys came into the barn this evening knowing it’s going to get cold. They are smart. 

I also added hay to the barn cats crates so they can stay warmer. 
We needed to get prepared today for the animals.

The temps are already dropping. 

Word of the day is prepared. Romans 13:11

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