Thursday, October 19, 2023

October 16

Snowflake just doesn’t know what to do with herself. She still hangs out with the chickens she was hatched with but she does not roost with them. She is picked on by some of the other chickens. I know things will work out but poor girl is being bullied. Chickens are ruthless and brutal. 

The gate was left unlocked and Hercules is a master mind on getting out. He stuck his nose through the gate, got it opened, and walked out. He decided he wanted to eat the chicken feed with the chickens and that is what he did. He was easily brought back into the pasture. The other animals were trying to figure out how to get out, but they could not figure it out. 

One of the new roosters is making a funny noise. I suspect he is trying to learn to crow, but he does not have it yet. It’s a funny squeaking noise he is making. 

I noticed a cat stalking and hiding. Onyx had her eyes set on those chickens. I had to laugh. I did go over and make sure she would not attack them. It looked like she was just relaxing in the grass and watching them. 

Oreo is too funny. He wants to run into the bedroom and see Ursula and then he wants right back out of there. It’s funny to watch their relationship. 

Word of the day is ruthless. Job 15:20

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