Thursday, October 19, 2023

October 14

I got up and out super early for a health fair in CCity. Laura and I discussed Mattie’s Mountain and Life’s Healing Journey. We got a lot of traffic, so that’s good. 
There was a lunar eclipse today. I did not see the whole thing. It was bring I know that. I was so tired I ended up take a 3 hour nap. I do not do that very often, but I needed it. 

Noma and Willow are eating up the chicken feed. I will have to stop putting it over the fence. 

Jasper is starting to eat again. That’s a good sign. I know he still does not feel well. He is going to be super mad when he finds out he has to go back again. 

The dogs are loving the cooler weather and are perfectly fine hanging out in the grass outside. 

It’s supposed to get cooler out, so I added more straw to the pig houses. They were appreciative. 

I did not get much done today due to exhaustion, but I’m hoping to rest tomorrow. 
Word of the day is appreciated. Psalm 9:1

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