Saturday, October 28, 2023

October 26

Yeller is still having some problems with his foot. He is still hopping along but is using it to stand. I know it will heal but it hurts my heart to watch him hurting. 

The two coop chickens I think are appreciating being in the coop with the cooler weather coming in. They seem content where they are at this time. 

Those sheep sure were happy to see me. One of them had their tail wagging so fast and it was hitting me. It actually hurt a bit. 

Jasper is looking better and seems to be feeling better. I even mistaked Alex for Jasper. That’s how much better he is. 

The other barn cats are staying close to Yeller, I’m sure they know he is not feeling the best. I like to see that. 

Yeller was content with me loving on him this evening. I’m sure he needed it. 

Word of the day is content. 1 Timothy 6:6

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