Thursday, October 5, 2023

October 2

This morning, Ronnie let’s me know something might have gotten one of our chickens. When I saw the feathers I knew exactly which chicken it was. I was sad about it. When I got home, I saw more signs of feathers and no dead chickens. I had no idea what was happening but I felt something was getting my chickens and I was upset. 

Today, me and my friend went into the school system about suicide awareness for the nonprofit and her counseling business. That was a big open door for us. It was a good day. 

I got to see all 4 cats today. They came home to eat and to hide since there was a storm coming in. Ronnie has told me that the other stray has been around quite a bit and is getting more comfortable at our house. I have not seen him in a long time. 

There is a storm coming in, but none of the animals seem bothered by it. They are just running around doing what they always do. 

As I go into the sheep pen to feed, imagine my surprise to see Snowflake, the one chicken I thought was deceased. She was up walking around and doing fine. I could not believe my eyes. She is definitely traumatized and trying to stay away from anything and everything. I am glad she is alive with no obvious physical problems. Oh I was shocked. I literally just stopped and stared. 

It was such a beautiful evening, even with the storm rolling in. 

I received the sweetest gift. It was two tumblers with Cracker Jack’s pictures on them. It was a thank you from his original owner because we made him part of our family. She said now we could have a beverage with him sometimes. It brought tears to my eyes. It was so heart felt. 

Word of the day is shock. Isaiah 21:3

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