Saturday, October 21, 2023

October 20

The weather was cool out this morning. If you have never been on a farm when the weather cools off, the animals are rowdy. Pedro and Red were playing around which looks brutal. Willow was watching the whole thing. She was running back and forth around the fence line. It looked like it upset her a bit. She finally turned and went on her way. 

Esther the wonder pig passed away this week. I’m honor of her, sanctuaries around the globe were giving their pigs cupcakes in honor of her. I forgot to buy cupcakes on my way home and since I live in the middle of no where I did not want to go back to the store. I had some blonde brownies and gave the pigs those. They loved it. Each one got half of one. I don’t give my pigs sugar, but it was in honor of a well known pig. I was glad to do it today for that reason. 

Willow is still irritating the pigs. I think she is just interested in them, but the pigs do not like it. 

Lucky was up by the barn on his own today which isn’t normal, but he was. He decided he wanted to eat the chicken feed today. He is such a mess. 

Chloe was trying to stay away from the roosters, so she was sitting up cackling on top of the horses’ water trough. That is one funny chicken. 

It was warm enough to spray the horses down today. They sure do love me after that. They are funny horses. 

Noma let me love on her today. Let is probably not the right word. It was more tolerated. Doesn’t matter to me, I got to love on her. 

The sheep got some much needed attention today. Bill is still kind of sluggish, but the weather cannot make up its mind. He will snap out of it when the weather stays one way. 

I swear those cows are trying to let the pigs out. I hope they never do. That would be a nightmare. 

Word of the day honoring. 1 Peter 2:17

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