Saturday, October 21, 2023

October 19

Our air conditioner went out a week and a half ago and we are getting a new one today. Inflation is ridiculous I have to say, but we had to have a new one. 
One of the guys needed a shovel and I knew there was one down by the pig pen so I went out there to get the shovel. The pigs were not expecting me and I scared Gus. I scared him so badly, he ran over the top of one of the sun shade. I thought it was funny. Once he saw me, he was fine. I’m normally at work, so he was not expecting me. 

With people going in and out of the house, I get nervous about the cats. They hid most of the day, but doors were left opened sometimes which is fine, they were doing a job, but I know Persia likes to sneak outside from time to time so I was happy when things started calming down, she came out to see me. She did not run outside this time. 

Well, the donkeys love to chew on the water hose and the hose has now sprung a leak. I’m not surprised at all. 

Yeller and Jelly have such a sweet little relationship. They sure do stick together and watch out for each other. I’m glad they have each other. I worried about Jelly after Peanut Butter left. His heart was broken. Mine still is. 

Looks like we have some wind mills coming up all over the place out here. I’m not sure how I feel about that, but they are there. It’s really not going to hurt or hinder me so it does not matter. I can just see them in the distance. 

Oreo has found the food in the bathroom where Ursula lives. He likes that food more than the food he has, so he sneaks in and eats her food. They have an odd relationship. 

Word of the day is relationships. Ecclesiastes 4:9

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