Wednesday, October 25, 2023

October 23

Ronnie and I got up early and got Jasper in the trailer. He is getting too smart. He knows what the bribes mean when the trailer is in the pasture. He does not like it. He did get in the trailer though. The whole process is hard on him. I hate it, too. Hopefully this is the last visit. 

Jasper made it though the vet visit. His wounds still need to heal  from draining the abscess. The vet does say to continue to watch the wound and do hydrotherapy on it. She also said he had some scar tissue in there, but he does not have to go back to the vet unless there is a problem. 

Alex was glad Jasper was home. 

Willow is still irritating the pigs on purpose. They will squeal at her but it just eggs her on. She does not care. She walks away when she is good and ready. 

I have noticed Waldo picking on Porky and not wanting Porky in the shelter. It also looks like he has an injured leg from fighting. Ronnie and I tried to separate Porky from the others to put him in another pen but he wasn’t having it. We decided to leave him. I was hoping they would let him in the shelter since it looked like rain was coming. 

The sheep were staying under the shelter since it was starting to rain. Tinkerbelle and Cinderella were, too. They are smart. 

Ronnie opened the since Waldo did get out of the pen. We had not closed the gate yet and Willow was so confused and trying to close it. She is smart, if the fate wasn’t latched, she would have been able to open it. 

Looks like Ursula and Oreo both live in the bedroom now. They are pretty comical. Oreo loves her, Ursula does not feel the same. 

Word of the day is comical. Psalm 30:11

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