Saturday, October 28, 2023

October 27

It does not matter how rough my day was, when I get home and see and hear those sheep, it makes it all better. Today they saw me and they were frolicking and making all kinds of noise. They are always happy. 

Jelly was sticking close to Yeller today. Those two are such good friends. 

The pigs were sure cute. Gus still tries to climb the fence for food. I’m glad he cannot actually do that. That would be something else all together. 

You can feel the weather changing in the air. You can see it in the clouds, too. 

Looks like the horses are growing in their winter hair. And not a minute too soon. The winter weather is coming this weekend. It won’t last but a couple of days but still, I’m glad to see they will be prepared for the winter. 

You never know where Jelly will show up. He was hiding, not so well I might add, in the weeds. 

Chloe usually hangs out in the horse pasture these days. I did see her today hanging around. She is one brave chicken. I caught a picture of her mid flight. 

Mattie sure was throwing a fit tonight with not getting his food first. He is such a brat, but is so loved. 

Word of the day is brave. Ephesians 6:10

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