Friday, October 13, 2023

October 8

Ronnie took Sebastian home today. While he was gone, I went to check my friend’s animals. They were all doing well. I’m glad. 

Bill is still looking rough, and Ted is protecting him. 

The horses were playing in the water. They love it. It makes me laugh every time. 

Jasper is starting to look better. I’m glad. 

Spam wanted some attention today so I gladly gave I to her. She wanted it on her terms though. 

Willow was still aggravating Gus. I think that’s funny. She knows what she is doing. 

Our air conditioner went out today on top of all the exhaustion. We are worn out. 
All my friend’s animals were still doing fine. Today was the last day I will get to see them for awhile. 

Word of the day is exhausting. Isaiah 40:31

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