Wednesday, October 25, 2023

October 25

It rained most of the night last night and half the day today. I know we needed it. The rest of the day was beautiful. I know those days are about to be short lived with the weather change coming up and the time change. That is definitely not my favorite time of year, but it’s coming. If it could stay like it was today all the time, that would be perfect. 

Jelly comes home in the evenings and meows loudly to announce his arrival. It’s the funniest thing. He wants us all to know he is home. 

Something happened to Yeller. He is hurt. He will not use his right back leg. I looked him over. His foot is swollen and when I touched his foot he cried out. One of the animals may have stepped on his foot. I know one of the cows broke my toe by stepping on me, so that could have happened. He is getting around, but just not using that back leg. It will heal. If he isn’t better in a day or two, I will get him to the vet. I don’t think there is much they could do though. 

Porky was happy this evening. He was literally laying down in the hay just eating away. 

Tinkerbelle was yelling out loudly at Lucky today. I had to go over and pet on her to calm her down, but that did not work.

Bubba has been hanging out with Maggie and Pepper lately. It’s funny. They all used to hang out but that’s been a long time ago. 

Word of the day rainy. Ezra 10:13

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