Thursday, October 5, 2023

October 4

My husband I have been together for 10 years today. That does not seem possible, but it is. It’s crazy when you look back and see all we have been through in 10 years. 

It was another cloudy and threatening to storm day. Bring it on, we need it. It did storm finally tonight. It sure looked rough outside. 

Pepper does not like storms and knew it was going to storm. She was trying to come get me to let her in the house since she is the princess and all. 

It was a beautiful evening with the sunset and the clouds. Of course the animals were not bothered by it. 

Yeller was trying to attack chickens. Willow was chasing chickens and knocking them out of the food trough. It’s been a rough week for the chickens around here. 

Snowflake is still roosting in the shelter with most the other chickens. I do not know what happened to her, but I’m glad she is more protected. I wish the others would follow her, but they haven’t yet. 

The rain was needed. I’m glad I got to see the beauty of the storm clouds. 

Word of the day is rain. Leviticus 24:3

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