Thursday, October 19, 2023

October 17

Maggie seems to be feeling good day. She was trying to chase the chickens. That to me is funny. I’m grateful for those days. 

Jelly was hiding in the shop. That is his spot. He likes to be in the shop. He is able to relax and hide in there. 

One of the new roosters has a weird feather problem. I am not sure I can explain it. The feathers stick up most of the time making it look like the feathers are not connected to his head. It’s so weird. 

I got to see the donkeys and goats. They came in from the pasture to get some water. They make me laugh. 

I saw Sonny today. He has been hiding often. I think he wants to stay alive. The other roosters go after him quite often. He looks so much like George. I miss George and think of him every time I see Sonny. 

The sheep seem to be doing okay with this weather change. Bill is not acting sick. I hope it stays that way. 

I watched Snowflake today. She is finding refuge with the goats. Most animals who are bullied do gravitate toward that pen. 

The dogs are still loving the cooler weather. I like seeing them so happy. 

I did find a huge black widow in the shop. Ronnie took care of that as soon as he got home. Those things are everywhere. You cannot be too careful around here. They are not in the house, but they are in the shop and in the well house. 

The pigs are loving life. They are showing no complaints. I’m glad to see them thriving. I’m so glad we were able to separate a few out and they seem so much better. 

I saw some hiding places for Athena, onyx, and Yeller today. Athena was under the stairs on the back porch. Onyx was in the hole under the grill, and Yeller was in the tall weeds the chickens like to hide in. 

The donkeys came in to get a drink and then they left to go back into the pasture. They get around for sure. They are so happy. 

Word of the day is happy. Psalm 19:8

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