Friday, October 13, 2023

October 5

It’s looking a little chilly today. The animals are all loving it. I’m grateful for it after the summer we have had. 

Carlos was so funny today. He was seeing how far he could stretch to get so leaves off the tree. He was able to go pretty far.

The donkeys all came over to give me attention. Jelly was right there wanting some attention also. Jelly knew the donkeys could not get to him, so he got comfortable right beside the fence where the donkeys were aggravated but could not do much about it. 

Jasper had to go to the vet this morning. He was not too happy about it, but the treats got him loaded in the trailer. I was thinking it was going to be worse than that, but it was not bad. 

Poor Alex was running behind the trailer trying to go with Jasper. That was sad to watch. 

A few hours later Jasper was ready to come home. I met Ronnie over there. That cow had a volleyball size abscess the vet had to drain. She had to pack it and all. He has to go back next week. Let us just say, he has been a stressed cow. He has been having major diarrhea from the stress and he is not wanting to eat too much. He is staying away from us for sure. 

The chickens were all together eating tonight. They can be fun to watch. 

The dogs were all eating together tonight. They all seemed calm. Maggie seemed to be feeling okay tonight. 

Yeller has taken a page off Onyx’s book. He was hanging out on the trash cans this afternoon while trying to feed. 

The pigs are all doing well even with the weather change. I’m glad for that. I did add straw to all the pig houses tonight. They love that. And it makes me feel better. 

I let Oreo hang out with Ursula today. They seem to be getting along better. Oreo does not want to hang out too long. He wants to run in and say hello and then he is finished with it. 

I put some hay in the chicken coop with the chickens to keep them warm with the weather change. Annabeth was not too sure at first, but she got over that. 

Alex has not left Jasper’s side since Jasper got back. I know Jasper does not feel well. Alex knows it, too. 

It sure was a beautiful evening. It usually is around here. And my uncle, grandson, and grandparents will be here tomorrow. 

Word of the day is Fortunate. Matthew 24:46

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