Friday, October 13, 2023

October 6

Today was a day for cleaning since we have company coming in. I started the day with going to take care of a friend’s farm while Ronnie went to go get our grandson. Then I came home and cleaned. When I was finished with that, I fed our animals again and cooked dinner in preparing for company. 

Jasper was still looking miserable but he ate better and he let me pet him. I know he is not happy but this was all necessary. 

The horses got a new hay bale and they were excited about that. 

Bill is looking like he is not feeling too well. He does end up with pneumonia every time the weather changes. I’m going to give it a day or two and see how he does before starting antibiotics.  

Maggie was able to stand to eat today. I am not sure when the last time I saw that was. 

Saverine was happy about playing in the water today s she always is that way though. 

I felt awful for Jasper. He looks like he is in pain. 

I also found a chicken deceased in the goat pen. Somehow one of the feed bowls got over on top of her and it was too hot and she died. Oh it breaks my heart. 
My grandson did make it down with Ronnie and my grandparents along with my uncle made it, too. 

After dinner, I went to check my friend’s farm also. 

We were all tired today, but we were all productive. 

Word of the day is productive. Ephesians 5:15-16

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