Thursday, October 19, 2023

October 15

I was able to relax today. I needed it badly. I did have to do some class stuff today which took about 4 hours. It has to be done to keep my license for work. At least I got to sit in bed and listen to it. 
The two coop chickens do not know how good they have it. They have a dog house to snuggle in filled with hay to keep warm. They have at least stopped trying to run out of the coop. They might know how well they have it. 

Jasper is doing even better today. I’m sure he will get better every day. I just hope when he goes back to the vet that he will be cleared and not have to go back. It’s so hard on him. 

Willow chases those chickens all over the place, but then she eats with them without a problem. 

Jelly followed me around the farm and then kept laying over wanting to be petted. He is such a sweet cat. 

Word of the day is good. Psalm 118:24

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