Wednesday, October 25, 2023

October 22

The temperature was wonderful outside with cloud cover. It was so nice. I did spend the day writing and doing things I needed to catch up on. It was a nice day. 

I did cuddle with Bubba today. He is getting skinny and I know he does not feel too well. He is sleeping more and more. I hate seeing him like this. As long as he is up and around though, I’m going to leave him be. 

The clouds were so pretty today. All the animals were laying around enjoying the nice weather. 

I messed up and dropped most of the sheep feed on the ground but the sheep improvised even after I got them more feed. It did not slow them down. 

Jasper looks so much better. He does go to the vet again tomorrow. I’m hopeful it’s the last time he has to go. It’s so stressful on him and on Alex. 

Maggie was up moving around better today. I do like to see that. 

Willow is just cute and has such a sweet disposition. She is still loving attention. She is such a joy to watch. She looked like she was watching the beauty in the clouds tonight. 

We are working on halter training with Mattie. Yeah, it’s not going well. He hates it. He is allowing me to almost get it on him. 

The sunset was beautiful tonight. 

I did watch something interesting tonight. I was out taking pics of the sunset and saw a cat who I thought was Onyx. It was not Onyx, it was Tux. He saw me and ran off. He was leaking around the chicken roosting spot, probably not good. I then look out back and saw chickens flying up in a large tree. I also saw a couple on some high fencing. They are trying to get away from something. It was interesting. 

Word of the day is hiding. Psalm 32:7

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