Thursday, October 19, 2023

October 13

Today has been a day full of fear for a lot of people with all the things going on in Israel. We have to trust God and know He wins in the end. 

Jasper went to the vet today. Ronnie put up another gate and he did better getting in the trailer. That was good. 

Jasper ended up still having an infection and had to have his neck drained again. He is miserable again and did not want the eat. He also had the diarrhea again. 

Alex was happy Jasper was home though and would not leave his side. Jasper wanted nothing to do with Alex though. Jasper was not feeling well at all. It hurts my heart for him. 

I received my package of books I wrote to check out for publication. That always excites me. I had ordered some bookmarks to match and I received those, too. My plan is to have a book signing for those books. 

It’s been a crazy week and I’m tired. 
Word of the day is healing. Jeremiah 17:13

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