Thursday, October 19, 2023

October 18

Chief is still the head honcho in the horse pasture. I watched him today and he can still be a bully. I do not love that about him. He is not as bad as he used to be that’s for sure. 

Chickens were everywhere today. I mean everywhere. They still are not laying eggs like they should be though. I do not understand that. 

I got a good look at the two mean girls left. They were cackling like they always do. I just imagine them gossiping sitting up on the roost like two old ladies. I laugh every time I think of that.

Noma ate hay out of my hand. I love that. I often wonder how she was before she came here. What happened to her, where did she come from? She is still so skittish and untrusting. I’m not sure it will ever change. 

The cows got a new hay bale. They were excited. They were trying to tear it apart within the first few minutes. 

The horses also got a new hay bale. They are eating a bale a week. Can we say spoiled?? 

Have you ever just watched a donkey? They truly are magnificent animals. They may not be as majestic as a horse, but they are fabulous. 
Esther the wonder pig passed away tonight. She was without a doubt a pig who changed lives. My heart is broken for all those who loved and cared for her. 

Word of the day is magnificent. Psalm 145:3

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