Saturday, October 21, 2023

October 21

Today was a work day on the farm. We needed to worm sheep and goats, clean out the shop, clean the pig pens, clean out Mattie’s pen. It all got finished. It was a busy and tiring day. 

The fainting goats were easy to worm. They gave me no problems. Quick and easy. 

The little goats were a different story. They aren’t that friendly and will run. Well, Waldo is the smartest of the three. He opened the gate and ran out as soon as he saw what was happening. Ronnie had to do some fancy dives on his face to catch the other two, but we got it done. Now, getting Waldo back in the pen was an experience. Turns out the other two got out also. This went on for a bit. We finally got all three back in the pen with treats and whatever they wanted to hear. They then ran out again. They all three ran out. I knew it was going to be even tougher to get them back in again. The next thing I knew is Willow was chasing all three back into the pen. It worked. We then took care of Waldo and got him wormed. Mission accomplished.

The sheep I thought would be easy. They were not as bad as those three goats. We were able to get them in the small pen area and catch them from there. They did not like it, but those things have to be done. 

I cleaned out the pig pens and spent some much needed time with them. They all wanted attention and I was able to give it to them. 

Ronnie took care of Mattie’s pen so I didn’t have to do that. I think we were both pretty tired after chasing goats for two hours. I ended up taking a two hour nap. It felt good. 
Oreo hung out with Ursula today. He stayed on the bed and she stayed in her bed. Like I said, interesting relationship. I have noticed Ursula does not know how to play with other cats. She only knows how to fight. Maybe Oreo can teach her to be nicer. We will see. 

Word of the day is working. Ephesians 4:28

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