Thursday, January 30, 2020

I am so tired of the rain!! I know that the rain is good and I’m a few months, we will be begging for it in Arkansas. But, right now, I’m tired of it. I’m so muddy and dirty all the time. My food bowls for the pigs are floating there is so much water and mud. I’m getting stuck and I’m slipping and sliding. If I feel this way, how do they feel?? I’m still able to clean up their poop and get that out of the pens so they aren’t laying in that which can cause illness but this is ridiculous. These poor animals. I’m really hoping we can figure something out for them to be more comfortable but if not, I’m hoping it dries up soon. I just hate it. It’s not good for me or them. I want the best for them and they don’t seem to care too much because they are rooting the mud up and seem to enjoy it. But, I look at it and get upset. May have to move the entire pen for them. I am trying to help them.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Confession time. My husband called last night and asked about all the animals. I thought he was joking. I spend so much time with all of those animals that I thought he was being sarcastic. So I made some sarcastic comment. He said, actually I’m serious. He told me that when I’m at work, he actually goes out and hangs out with the animals.  What?!? There is a chair out by the pigs and apparently he sits out there and gives them attention when I’m gone. I find this to be so awesome. I had no idea. So, I started telling him about the pigs and the all the rain and mud and how miserable they are and I am getting stuck in the mud. He is trying to figure out a way to put in drains to help get rid of the water and help with the mud and if that doesn’t happen, build another pen out of the mud. This makes me so happy. They do have a spot to go in their shelters that is dry and no mud, so I know they are okay but it’s still awful. I sent him pictures and he said that isn’t good and we are going to fix it. Makes me so happy!!!

Over the weekend, I noticed Cracker Jack was having difficulty walking again. It’s rained so much and it’s so muddy, I figured it was caked mud in his hooves. I brought out the lead rope and he didn’t have difficulty anymore. However, I decided to check out his hooves. I got the lead rope on him and got him tied up to work on the hooves. Oh, no, he wasn’t having it. I got one hoof done and he wasn’t going to let me do anymore. He was done. I will have to work on it with Ronnie home. Ronnie is Cracker Jack’s person. Ronnie spoils him with peanuts. I don’t have enough hands on my own to get the hooves done and feed him peanuts. It will be getting done this week. Poor guy is still getting around but he is slow like an old man. Poor guy. He will be better in a few days.

Years ago, I was sewing something and left the needle attached to the thread. Persia found it and swallowed the needle. The emergency vet didn’t believe me. But it was clear on the X-ray. I was going through a divorce and it was an awful time emotionally and financially. I wasn’t going to let my baby die. The vet waited a bit because of shift change to do surgery. By the time they opened her up, the needle had punctured her stomach and was lodged in her muscles by her spine. Long story short, by the time I took her to my regular vet, the needle had worked it’s way out of her body. I actually found it when moving. So weird. Anyway. Ever since then, Persia is still obsessed with needles and string. I really thought it had happened again last night. I searched for a long time for that needle. I was so upset. But... I finally found it!! Persia didn’t repeat history and swallow another needle. What a relief. She is such a handful sometimes but I love her.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

I had myself one of my freak out moments today. I’m sure you have read enough of these blogs to know I’m a panicker. I’m not proud of it, but that’s who I am. I was home really late tonight and so all of the animals were upset with me. That’s normal though when I’m late. I fed the donkey and goats and they got over it and ran back to their shelter. The little pigs ate so fast. I know I need to watch them for that. Pork chop was shivering but I felt his body temp and he was okay. It wasn’t to cold and wasn’t warm to the touch. He ran back to the shelter after eating. The other 3 weren’t shivering and their body temp was fine also. I got to the big pig pen and same there. All 3 had a body temp that wouldn’t raise eyebrows. I was standing by Gus and he regurgitated his food. Very little but I panicked. I started googling to make sure he was okay and any symptoms to be watchful of. It wasn’t much and I know he ate fast since I was 2 hours late coming home. Right after that he walked away and went into the shelter. No issues with any of that. I know the weather has been hard on them. It’s 70 degrees one day and 20 degrees the next night. That’s hard on anyone’s body. I will continue to check on them and I have broad spectrum antibiotics on hand here if I need them. Please pray I’m over reacting and he and Pork chop aren’t sick.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Do you remember Carlos?? The goat that I got after being attacked by the bobcat. He came here because his family was scared for his well being. I’ve had him since November. He kept opening up his wound on his ear somehow. The rest of the wounds had healed when he got here. Both of his ears were still scabbed over. He is completely missing one ear and half of the other. Bless his heart. I am happy to say that his ears have healed. He is doing so good here. He is such a sweet thing. Sometimes he does get run off from the hay, but he just goes to another pile. I’m so glad he is doing so well. I had no idea how this would turn out but I was so hopeful. It’s going so well. It’s like he has been here the whole time. Makes my heart happy. The other animals still protect him when sleeping so he gets the warm spots. They all lay around him and in front of him. That’s love. Don’t you wish humans could be like that?? If we all protected each other no matter the circumstances??

I am so ready for spring and all of these animals are, too!! Arkansas doesn’t get as cold as most places and a few weeks ago it was 70 degrees. Now it’s in the 20s at night and only getting in the 40s, maybe. It isn’t slowing these animals down but I know it can’t be pleasant for them. They do have warm, dry places with lots of straw to curl up in but I still hate it. I’m outside in a coat and 2 shirts, a hat and gloves... when I remember the gloves. I can’t take pics with gloves on. Most of the pigs wanted love tonight. The goats and donkey did last night. I check body temps when I go out there for the pigs. I watch for any sign of illness. They haven’t shown any. Body temps are okay. They are all eating, drinking, peeing and pooping. These are all important to watch for. They deserve the best and I’m trying to give it to them. I just hate the cold weather. Doesn’t help that I haven’t been feeling well lately either. I was watching the pigs tonight, I’m so grateful my little ones have put on weight. I was so worried about them when they were smaller. I also have noticed how much hair they have grown since cold weather hit. It’s just amazing to me and I learn something new everyday about them. The goats all curl up together their shelter and Cracker Jack stays in front of them. I’m so grateful my husband extended the lean to and put walls in there. Looking at it, it doesn’t look like it would keep them warm but when you walk to the back of it, it is warmer back there. I’m hoping for a huge barn in the near future so next winter will be easier on them and hopefully I don’t worry as much. Never did I think I would be doing this and it’s tough but the animals are worth it.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Funny story. My husband has this thing about feeding animals twice a day. He thinks they should only be fed once a day because that’s how he grew up. Well, I feed the animals twice a day. I give the donkey and goats some hay in the morning and hay in the evening. I don’t do this when there is green grass in the pen, but it’s winter and there is no green grass. Cracker Jack brays at me when I come out and since it’s well before daylight, I give him the hay to make him be quite. I do have neighbors that can hear him. I got up and went out this morning in the freezing temps (23 degrees) and he was already up and fixing to leave to go back to work. He had fed the dogs and I didn’t gear the donkey braying.... I walked over and noticed he had thrown hay over to them. I laughed and said, did you do that to shut him up? He said, yep since that’s what my wife does. It really is funny. I want the best for these animals and I know that don’t get to eat the grass at the moment since there isn’t any. I want them to not be hungry all day long. I mean, pigs are always hungry and I read somewhere this week it’s because they don’t have the thalmus in the brain like we do that shuts off that hungry feeling so I know they are going to eat whenever. I give them a little in the morning and a little at night. I only have one that might be able to get away with not eating as much. Funny thing was, hubby gave those goats and the donkey enough hay to last all day, so I gave them a little feed tonight and they were happy. Never a dull moment here.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

I still am not up to myself so I did homework and was laying around today. I decided to do some quilting and was really not paying attention to the time. All of a sudden, I hear Cracker Jack start braying out of nowhere. I look at the time and it’s 4pm. That’s when I usually go out to love on the animals before I feed them at 5 pm when I’m not working. It amazes me how smart these animals are. They know where I’m supposed to be even when I don’t. I knew my dogs were like this, but all animals are like this. They like routine just like I do. My cats are difficult since they have an automatic feeder. But, Bubba will wake me up by standing on my chest and meowing and slapping me in the face until I get up when his food bowl is empty. It’s annoying and funny at the same time. I’m just amazed every time I learn something new about this herd of animals I have. I know them so well at this point of our journey. I know the goats different bleat noises, the pigs squeals, the cats meowing and the dogs barking. I just cannot describe the connection I have with them. I know it’s hard work and never ends, but they are so worth it.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

It’s official, I’m sick. I am hating every minute of it. When I’m sick and at home alone, I still get out and do what I have to for the animals. As things would go, my husband is home with me being sick. He has been helping me with the animals. That makes me happy. I know he will take care of them like I do. Well, mostly. I do miss being out there though. I also know I can put the pigs at risk since I am running a fever. I did feed them on a hurry this morning and that was my plan this evening also but I decided to put a little more straw in their shelters since it’s going to be so cold tonight. I was just making sure they were going to be okay through the night. They love that straw for sure. So, I did spend a little more time with them. I did not let them give piggy kisses or any of that though, just in case.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Ok, I’m only posting this for educational purposes. I do not want anyone to get nervous because I know some of my family will. I’m fine. I have read so many posts on Facebook pages discussing to always get your animals fixed. All of my dogs and cats are fixed. My males pigs are fixed and my donkey and 1 goat are fixed. My female pigs are not fixed. Why you ask? I don’t have an answer. I have planned on it but it’s hot out or it’s muddy out or I’m afraid the incision will get infected outside and I can’t keep them inside. I could give you any excuse but it boils down to, I haven’t done it. I’m so busy with work and school and caring for them that I just haven’t done it. Last time I took Bacon bit to the vet he asked when I was going to get her fixed. That was in August. I have heard many times they can become aggressive if not fixed. They charge at people and bite people. Mine have never done that with the exception of spam and she does that when she is jealous also. Not just when she is in heat. And actually since I’ve learned her signs of aggression, I’m extra careful with her. I know what she is fixing to do. Tonight I got a different scene and I didn’t like it one bit. I was in the littler pig pen. I was squatted down and bacon bit wanted to be loved on, so I thought. She is a sneaky little thing. She gave me some sweet piggy kisses and then started jumping to get in my lap. What I now realize is she was starting to turn into an aggressive pig which I did learn quickly. She tried to jump on me and get to my face. Luckily I was faster than her. So, I started tending to a pig that is constipated. She is miserable. So I went in and got some lettuce and some pumpkin. When I came back out I was giving it to her. Bacon bit started jumping up on me and trying to bite me with me standing up!! She even almost got my pants to down she was trying so hard to bite me. I had thick pants on so she only got my skin through my pants one time. And she barely got that. She was so aggressive she was even blocking the gate so she thought I couldn’t get out. Let me tell you, it was a little nerve wrecking but it taught me something. I need to remember these are animals and they have instincts. They do what their animal brains tell them to. Regardless of how much I love them and I know they love me, they are still animals. I went out to check on them after this and she came out and stood by the gate to try again if I came back in the gate. I didn’t. I was able to pet her through the fence so I’m hoping tomorrow is better. I will be calling the vet to get an appointment for her and my Patsy who is constipated. I’m hoping the pumpkin took care of it because she was snuggled in and wasn’t looking uncomfortable a few minutes ago. I will stress that I am fine. This post is about education on pigs. I thought mine would never do this like I have seen other people post. I was very wrong. I’m not mad at her and not thinking of getting rid of her. I am going to fix the problem.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Rough days

We all have rough days sometimes. I have had one the last couple days. It’s no fun but you power through. On these bad days, I cannot wait to get home and see my animals. On this particular day, I had some really clingy pigs. Gus is always clingy but yesterday it was Patsy and today it was bacon bit. She is a sweet girl but she is queen pig or usually called top hog in that pen. When I got her and her brother Pork Chop, they were so small and so terrified to be in a new place. I didn’t have the best set up at that time. They were in a small enclosed place. I wanted to make sure they didn’t have mites or worms. So, they were treated in that area for that and quarantined. I hated it as much as they did. One mistake I made with them since I didn’t know anything about pigs was picking them up and making them have something to do with me. They are just now warming up. It’s been several months since this happened. Bacon bit was demanding of my attention tonight which makes me realize that truly I am making progress with them. I have spent countless hours out there with these pigs. I love that I’m making progress with these guys.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Sweet Patsy

I have talked about Patsy before. I’m always wondering about her, nervous something is wrong with her. She isn’t running fever, she is eating and drinking fine, peeing and pooping fine. She has just never looked like a healthy pig to me. She keeps her ears back, her tail is always tucked. Very rarely do I see her wagging her tail. She jumps when I touch her. I have had her almost 7 months. She has always been like this. The other pigs don’t bully her and she is able to cuddle with them in the straw so that isn’t the issue. I really cannot put my finger on it. I know she is very shy and timid. She always has been. She knows her name when I call her and she deals with me when I have food. She lets me pet her when she is eating but that’s been about it. Tonight we turned a corner. I was standing outside the fence and she walked up to the fence. So, I went to the gate and she followed toward the gate. I put my hand down and she smelled it and took off. I went over and squatted down by the entrance to their shelter. She kept walking past me. I finally started petting her as she walked by and she stopped and let me. Then took off again. I followed her into the shelter and sat down. I was able to pet her way more than I ever had. Of course her brother, Brutus came in and practically sat down in my lap demanding my attention so that took away from her. She continued to stand there waiting her turn. I’m so thrilled that she let me love on her. She still hasn’t done a belly flop but I thought she was going to for a minute. She has to be the sweetest pig I have. She has also been the slowest to warm up. I just hope we continue with progress. I think she is finally starting to trust me. It’s been a long road but I’m still willing to put in the work.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


We got some ice today. Not too normal for this area. Yesterday was 70 degrees and today it was 35 with ice and has dropped into the 20s tonight. Apparently we had tornado warnings and stuff last night. I’m oblivious. Not the first time that’s happened. Not even the second time, I almost hate to admit. I had a tree fall on my last house several years ago from a tornado and I didn’t know for a few weeks. I think I always have too much going. Must have been bad when people from out of town call to check on you. Then makes it worse when your financial advisor calls to check on you. Guess I need a weather app. So, this morning, I got out and there isn’t any damage. I went and put straw in all the shelters for the animals to make sure they would stay warm today and tonight. The ice came in this afternoon but didn’t stay long. I went out to feed tonight and almost slipped on a railroad tie because it was icy. The feed barn was iced shut. Both of the locking mechanisms on the pig pens were iced too. That was fun, but I got it all finished. The animals came out to eat and went back to snuggle up in the shelters. Same with the donkey and goats. Hopefully things will be better tomorrow.

The donkey and the mail man

I’m sitting in the kitchen earlier and the donkey starts braying like crazy. I’m thinking, what in the world, I just came in. They have fresh water and I gave them some hay since theirs is wet... but, I forget he is my alarm system. So, then I hear a car horn and I’m thinking no one comes out here without me knowing, who in the world could that be. I go out and it’s the mailman. He said, I brought your box and the mail so you wouldn’t have to get out today. How nice was that?? Then my dog starts chasing after him and he stopped the car so I could catch her so she wouldn’t chase him to the road. Of course he thought that was hilarious. It’s the little things that really will help someone out.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Full moon

I swear I haven’t given up on this blog. I have been so busy and just haven’t been able to write much. Been a crazy couple of weeks and I start school work again tomorrow. Come on May, I’m so ready to be finished. It’s been a rough several months. Never thought I would go back to school now, but I did.  So tonight is the full moon. The animals are acting like there is a full moon. They usually start the craziness a few days before. Pepper, one of the dogs has been more food aggressive and just nasty about it. Carlos has been hiding, I knew he didn’t run off because I could hear him talking to me, but I couldn’t find him and then out of no where, there he was. Pork chop has been dumping water bowls right after I fill them. Bacon bit has been trying to knock me over, like jumping on my leg when I’m bent down. Spam isn’t aggressive which is odd for her. Gus just doesn’t know what to do with himself. I was looking at Treat's ears today and she snapped at me, she never does that. The dog walked by the pens and all 7 pigs jumped to attention. Brutus is beyond clingy, whiny even for attention. Patsy is more stand offish but that isn’t too out of character. Cracker Jack is mad but not sure why. Hercules was trying to eat my coat and bit me instead. Daisy is bringing weird stuff home, like a trashed paper plate. Maggie is disappearing and reappearing lately. Lucky let me pet him tonight. Romeo seems normal. The only one out of 17 animals. Except I went out a night or two ago and the goats and donkey were not in their shelter, they were all behind the shelter which isn’t like them at all. Persia and Bubba are also clingy the last few days.

Some people may not believe the full moon stuff, but I sure do!!

Saturday, January 4, 2020


I am a picture fanatic. Not sure where I get that from, but I am. I was going through my pictures on my phone today deleting some since I had over 6,000 (not an exaggeration). Of course they have all been backed up. Hahaha!! I cannot believe the changes that have happened this last year. 2019 was the year we started this crazy hobby farm. I know I don’t have much experience with these animals but I am learning something new everyday. I give these animals everything I have in me to care for them and make sure they have a good life. As I am looking through the pics, all the memories came rushing back. The day we had to load the donkey, who had never been in a trailer before...what an experience. Then the next day going to get some goats and one of them not being friendly and not wanting to load. That same day, I ended up with my first 2 rescued pigs who were very sick but I had to chase them down twice in one day. All the hours of research to now how to care for each of these animals. The phone calls to vets and friends to try to help me save Treat from dying. Once she got better, all the days of chasing her after several escapes. No reason to chase her, she loves hide and seek and always came back. The goat getting sick recently, the donkey going down and not being able to walk well, which was an easy fix but I panicked. All the days spent sitting with these animals. The rescues to my 4 little pigs. The trips to the vet where my husband had to tackle a pig because she was so unsocial but needed the vet. The getting them fixed and the chaos with them in the house for just a day or two. The new goat that was brought to me because he was attacked by the bobcat. There is so much that I remember with them this year. The biggest thing I hold onto though is the love that I have for them and they have for me. The first time Lucky, who is so unfriendly let me pet him and the first belly flop from Gus. Kisses from Treat. Kisses from all the little ones. Brutus being very clingy to me. Spam learning that I’m not a threat to her or her sister and her potential to continue to show aggression going down. The way the goats and donkey surround Carlos to make sure he is protected at all times. We have also had some tough times with a sick cat, a sick dog, a sick goat, but they all pulled through. These guys are my therapy and I love each one of them. It’s been a good year. This one will be also.