Sunday, December 20, 2020

A Rough Day

 I know I need to make this post, but I have put it off all day. I just really don’t know what to say. I am going to try though. If you read my blog about the kill pens, you know I was getting 3 donkeys. There was some miscommunication since I was actually dealing with 3 different people. I assumed they were all okay because I had asked about them. Animals don’t do well in kill pens from what I understand. It’s a high stress area with lots of animals. I got a call yesterday saying the youngest one needed to go to the hospital. He was severely dehydrated and severely malnourished. Up until this point, I didn’t realize this baby was actually a baby, still on mom. Mom had stopped letting him nurse due to the high stress. He was unable to get up. They were feeding him every two hours and doing everything they could. As we discussed, his chances weren’t good either way, so just get all three of them here as soon as possible. This was at 6:30 pm last night. They got here to bring them to me at 3:30 am. Little man, Jack died five minutes later. It was absolutely devastating to us, but he was in terrible shape. He passed away in a lean to, his own space in warm straw and a blanket wrapped around him. He is no longer suffering and was laid to rest on our property. We tried is all I can say. It was a risk I was willing to take. I sure hope animals go to heaven. I don’t know what all he went through but I’m sure it wasn’t good. The other two are here and doing okay. I will tell you about them later.  


  1. My young son once asked, "Do all dogs go to heaven?" after his favorite puppy died. At first, I didn't know how to respond as he looked up at me with his blue eyes and innocent face. In a moment of inspiration, I asked, "What does the Bible say?" His reply was, "I don't know." In response I replied, "The Bible doesn't say anything about about it; you know why? Because dogs can't read." Then, I continued, "But, you loved your dog didn't you? And I can't imagine a heaven without the things we love. So, I have to believe that a loving God will allow our dogs to join us in heaven." I still believe. Blessings to you and your efforts to care for Jack.

  2. This just blessed my heart so much!! I needed that. Thank you so much for sharing this with me.

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. At lsast you tried to hive him a better life.
