Wednesday, December 30, 2020

All Four Seasons

 Let me tell you something. I am from Arkansas, I know the weather can turn in the blink of an eye. West Texas is just as bad if not worse. I have literally seen all 4 seasons in 24 hours. I got up yesterday morning and it was 30 degrees. I get to lunch time and it’s a nice 60 something. By the time I get home, I’m out feeding the animals with a short sleeve shirt on and no jacket and it’s almost 80 degrees. I get up this morning and it’s like 40 something and by mid day, it’s in the 30s and snowing.... snowing ya’ll. I’m not much on snow or low temps. It’s only supposed to be in the 30s tomorrow and snow all day. So, I get home and put extra straw in both pig houses. I’m really not sure what to do for the chickens. They have their own spot out of the wind and weather so they should be fine. I spent a lot of time getting the pigs all fixed up, I know they are cold but they do have their own spots and they have plenty of straw to get in and they huddle together. My wonderful husband brought more straw home and we were able to get it in the barn for the donkeys and the goats. They might not need it, but I know they like it. Noma has to lay down a lot and the goats like to lay down. And actually since being here, Pete and Cracker Jack lay down also. I know the animals hate this and I hate it for them. It will only last a day or two here and it will get warmer, but until then, it’s cold. Hubby will be home some tomorrow and he is going to put more straw out for them since it will be cold all day. I spent 2 hours outside and by the time I got back in, my clothes were wet, my coat was wet, my gloves were wet since it was still snowing. Poor little guys. At least they have warm houses and a barn. 

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