Saturday, December 5, 2020

Not Smart

 It has come to my attention that Junior, the rooster isn’t too smart. Ronnie let the dogs out in the backyard. That’s where they go when we are home. All of our chickens and roosters are free range. Junior decided he would get in the background with the dogs. The dogs aren’t too found of birds and we were still training them to stay away from the chickens. Well, Daisy protects the yard. She attacked Junior. I was not here thank goodness. Ronnie saw what was happening and got Daisy off of Junior. Ronnie said he had no idea how, but Junior got up and Ronnie got him out of the dog yard. Junior went over and sat in a bush for awhile. When I got home, Junior was with the rest of the chickens and seemed fine. This morning he was singing his morning wake up call. He seems fine today. I don’t think Daisy will mess with them anymore. She was in a bit of trouble. Poor Junior, but he is fine also and probably will stay out of the backyard now. 

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