Wednesday, December 23, 2020

New Findings

 I sat with Noma for a long time today. She really only wants to deal with me when she is laying down. That’s okay. We are going to work on it. Today I noticed Noma had gotten in to a cactus. I was pulling out the cactus spikes off of her nose and her mouth. Oh boy, she didn’t move much but she didn’t like it one bit. I can’t say I blame her. I didn’t get them all out because she reached over like she was going to bite me. She didn’t bite me, I was watching her closely. Later I noticed she was going right for the cactus again... I think she doesn’t see very well. Bless her sweet heart, she needs a lot of TLC. I’m so glad she is here. I needed her just like she needed me. 

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