Thursday, December 3, 2020

Smart Chickens

 The night we got here to Texas, or morning I should say since it was 2 am, Ronnie opened up the shop and there sat 2 chickens. I knew the lady we bought the house from was leaving me some chickens but I didn’t know how many or any of that. Not that it mattered but I didn’t know where to look for them. I knew there were more than 2 because Ronnie had been here and said there were more. At this point, there were only 2 I saw and they were in the shop. I was too tired to look for the rest. The next morning I saw the rest. s the days go on, these 2 chickens continue to sleep in the shop. We have 10 chickens and 2 roosters, but those two are the only smart ones. There is a small opening at the back of the shop where they can get in and out. It’s been really cold out, but they are still the only two that sleep in there. The other ones roost in the shelter they have. It’s open on one side away from the north wind. I guess they like it out there. So

, every morning and every evening I get to see Edith and Maude, the two smart ones. They crack me up. They just stare at me. Tonight Maude was being sneaky and trying to eat the pellets from the other animals that we have stored in there. She got caught twice and just looked at me like, what?? They truly are funny like creatures. I am interested to know why those are the only two that sleep in there. 

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