Sunday, December 13, 2020

Spending Time

 Since we moved it has been nonstop with being busy. Still so much to do. Ronnie and I have both been exhausted. Yesterday we had time to finally get the rest of the pig house done. The pigs have been mad at me since we moved. I can’t say I blame them. I have tried giving belly rubs and spending time with them but they wanted no part in it. Yesterday when I got in the pen, they have all decided they love me again. I spent hours out there yesterday giving belly rubs and giving attention. I put new straw in the 2 houses that are out there now. That happened just in time for a really cold day today. Gus really enjoyed my time out there yesterday. I finally had to sit down in the straw. He tried to get into my lap. He is so sweet. Darla even rolled over for a belly rub. That hasn’t happened since we moved. It’s like they are finally not mad at me anymore and I am grateful for that. 

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