Wednesday, December 30, 2020


 I forgot to say this on my last post. As I was walking out to the pig pen and had picked up the straw, Cracker Jack and the goats were all calling for me: braying, bleating, I swear they were screaming at me. They followed me all the way to the pig pen on the other side of the fencing, I swear they were asking me where their straw was and why I wasn’t over there fixing the barn up for them. Which I do find funny, they didn’t like the barn until recently. They used the small lean to, but now they use the barn. Noma is the only one that has been in the lean to since baby Jack passed away in there. Which still makes me unbelievably sad. Luckily the animals had started using the barn before that. This post was supposed to be funny, so let me bring it back to that. Cracker Jack and the goats wanted straw in their house also. Thank goodness, Ronnie brought more home and we were able to get it spread out here. They are certainly spoiled. I wouldn’t have it any other way though. That’s how we did things in Arkansas and that’s how we will do them in West Texas. 

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