Monday, December 21, 2020


 An update on Noma and Pete. Both of them are still really nervous, but they are trying. I was able to get close enough to Noma to pet her. She really doesn’t like to be touched at this moment and I will respect that. She did let me hold a bucket so she could eat out of it. She also stood and sniffed my hand for a bit. I sat on the ground today to let her get used to me being there. I know I can’t push it. Pete wants nothing to do with me, but once Noma does, he will also. As soon as they warm up, Noma has to get those feet done. I’m still appalled at how bad they are. It will get fixed. Neither of them are bothered by Cracker Jack or the goats. They will be happy here. They are staying close to the barn right now and they do not follow the other animals when they go down to visit the pigs, but they probably don’t need to at this time with the feet as bad as they are. Honestly, I’m going to put a picture on this post so you can see it. Anyway. They are doing well. 

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