Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Kill Pens

 Guys, I learn something new every single day in the world of animals. I have always loved animals. They have always been a part of my life. We had a childhood dog that lived 21 years. She was there throughout my entire childhood and awful teenage years. Whenever I was sick or hurting, she would crawl into my lap and just stare at me. She was a great dog, even being a chihuahua. She was not discarded when she got sick. None of our animals were. That leads me to this... kill pens. I never really knew of these things called kill pens. Not sure if my head has been in the sand like an ostrich or what but here lately, I have been doing some research on kill pens. This essentially, from what I can gather is like a humane society for a dog or a cat in a high kill shelter. This is where discarded horses and donkeys go when they can no longer be cared for or are unwanted. The kicker here is, it’s illegal in the US to consume horse meat. I cannot even imagine why this would be a question. But I won’t get into all of that. Horses can be workers but more importantly to me, they are a beloved animal that should not be discarded. If you know me at all, I feel that way about all animals. I had a hard time with birds at one point but now that I own chickens, I’m over that. Each one of those animals belonged to someone and has been discarded for whatever reason. Now they are being shipped to  somewhere else for slaughter. I mean my heart is broken. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have such a big heart for animals. Regardless, this is happening. Somehow I ended up on a couple of kill shelter sights on Facebook. I found 2 donkeys I wanted so badly to give homes to, but they were shipping out the next morning and we had some repairs or something that needed to be done on the barn. There was no way I could get the money and transport and all of that done before they shipped out. Well, I have to tell you, I did not sleep at all that night. Yes, my heart is that big. Who would have ever thought if you had known me when I was younger?? I ended up going to work the next morning and I was depressed about the situation. I looked at the site and at least one of the two I wanted was saved by someone else. I am hoping the other one was also. And bless that person whoever you are and wherever you are. I just couldn’t get it out of my head. I still can’t wrap my head around it. Anyway. I went to work and found out I am positive for the coronavirus, this post isn’t about that and I’m fine. Since I am stuck at home, I looked into a site that is already in Texas which is where I am. Guys, I found a donkey mom and her 2 babies. One of them born last year and one born this year. What the heck?? They all deserve to live a life. These 2 youngsters haven’t even had a life and were in a kill pen set to leave the next day. I’m at home at this point and don’t know what to do with myself, so I put things in motion. That momma and her 2 babies will be coming to live here. I have transport set up for this weekend unless something changes. I have “paid their bail.” They get to live. If I could save them all I would. And that brings me to my last thing, thank you to everyone who had bought my book. Because of my writing and people buying it, that’s what made this possible. 

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