Tuesday, December 22, 2020


 I am really working on these donkeys. I want to get them help with their feet ASAP. To do that, I have to get them comfortable here first. I have to get them used to people and to being touched. They are so scared and nervous of people right now and who could blame them?? They have been through who knows what. They are unsure of what is happening to them. Yesterday I got close enough to feed Noma from a bucket. Might not have been the best idea to feed them grain just yet, Noma has some diarrhea today, but I’m sure it’s because she hasn’t been fed properly and they was too much too fast. She is still eating grass and she is drinking today. Pete wants nothing to do with me at all. I went out earlier and saw them laying down in the field. I decided I would go out. I sat down close but not too close. Pete didn’t stick around long, he went off with the other animals. Noma stayed there. It’s really hard for her to get up so I figure that’s why she stayed. She tried to get up and just gave up trying. I sat there and talked to her. She would move her ears up and down like she was listening. After a bit, I moved closer. Noma didn’t move. Ever so often I would move closer. The whole time, Hercules was trying to take my hair down and was in my face... he is intrusive like no other. Hercules finally walked away for a minute. When he walked away, I carefully and in a non threatening way reached up and touched Noma’s nose. Very softly. She didn’t pull away. I ended up being able to pet her for a long time. I cried over this because I knew how hard that had to be for her. She continued to let me get closer to her and I was able to pet all the way down her neck. I moved my hand to give her a minute and she leaned into me to get more petting. This is a huge step for her. I didn’t push my luck though and gave her some space. I went back in the house and when I came back out, she was up at the fence waiting on me. I went over to her and put my hand over the fence and she put her nose up to it. Today has been a huge step in showing progress. I’m so grateful. 

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