Friday, December 11, 2020


 I know if you have read this blog, I freak out over coyotes. In Arkansas where we lived, out house was at the bottom of a mountain and there was a lot of wildlife. Where there is wildlife, there are always coyotes. I know they can get out of hand and they can take your pets. They were loud and normally seemed really close. They probably were not as close as I would have thought. Even so, I would wake up several times a night after nightmares of coyotes getting my animals. That was my mind playing tricks on me. I could sometimes hear them but not always. Being here in west Texas, things are so different. I know they are here and are probably worse than they were in Arkansas but they are more spread out. I have heard them but not often and it sounds like one or two and not 10 together. This makes me very happy. I don’t wake up thinking I hear them anymore and I don’t have nightmares like I did. I’m grateful. All the animals are happy here also so that’s a big bonus. 

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