Sunday, December 20, 2020

Noma and Pete

 Welcome to the farm Noma and Pete. Pete is about a year old. Not sure Noma’s age but she has given birth multiple times. Pete is tall and mostly legs. He looks to be in fairly good condition. Noma on the other hand is skinny and her feet are downright atrocious. Whoever had these babies before going to the kill pen and coming here needs a lesson on the importance of good feet on a horse or a donkey. This poor little lady is a fighter for sure. She does have to lay down a lot because she is literally walking on the sides of her feet. Breaks my heart. I will be getting that fixed as soon as she is comfortable here and we are able to get close to her. Noma and Pete are so stressed and scared right now. It’s better now that they have been here most of a full day. They will let me get close but won’t let me get close enough to touch them. That’s okay, I know they are stressed. It will come eventually. They will need a ton of tender loving care but I’m up for it. They are both fighters and want to live. They have full bellies and have already made themselves at home in the barn. They have made friends with all of the goats and Cracker Jack. These guys will never know hunger or thirst again. Noma will not have to give birth again. They will only know love from here on out. 

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