Sunday, December 13, 2020

Lesson Learned

 I’m from Arkansas where we have lots of humidity. You sweat when you’re hot. West Texas is totally different. It’s a dry heat. No humidity. Yesterday Ronnie and I did some work outside. We were not out there but 3 or 4 hours. As we were out there, I was wearing a coat, gloves, and a hat. I started getting hot and it was 50 degrees outside. So, took off all of that stuff and was out there with a short sleeve shirt on. It felt good to me. When we came back inside I started feeling weird. It was like all of a sudden. So, I went to lay down and take a nap. When I got up I felt worse. Then I started getting nervous. Surely I don’t have the coronavirus. I then look down at my hands. Holy cow. I had wrinkled fingers and had not been in the bathtub or the shower. I then re

alized how dehydrated I was. Apparently being dehydrated can really make you feel bad. I then drank about 108 ounces of water. I ate a banana. I have water here with electrolytes in it and drank that also. Yes, I was up half the night because I drank so much water, but my fingers are no longer wrinkled and I feel so much better. Dehydration is no joke. I have never been that dehydrated. I didn’t have covid symptoms but it sure scared me. Ronnie had warned me about the dry heat and the possibility of dehydration. I thought I had hydrated enough but it’s obvious I didn’t. I learned a valuable lesson yesterday. I won’t be making that mistake again. 

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