Sunday, December 19, 2021

Another Peanut Butter post

 Oh Peanut Butter. That cat is a mess. I couldn’t love him more. I hadn’t seen him in a day, so I had started wondering where he was as I pulled in the driveway after work. As I was walking to the front door, I noticed a dead bird. I then knew Peanut Butter was okay. He was leaving me presents. Later as I was feeding, I was hollering for him. When the sun started to set, I saw something coming from the corner of my eye. I knew it was Peanut Butter. When I got back to the shop, I saw him sitting up on the hay bale and looking like, did you call me?? I took the trash out a little while later and my path to the trash, I saw another dead bird. I now know he has taken a page from Earl and is hanging out in the front bushes and killing things. I don’t really like that, but he is a cat and not much I can do about that. I’m just glad he is happy. 

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