Sunday, December 5, 2021

Crazy horses

 I go out to feed one day this week and I had to get the cows back into the pen to eat, so I had to feed them before the horses. The horses did not like it. I watched them running up and down that fence line at full speed until they saw me when I had their feed buckets with me. To me that shows how smart these animals are. They know the routine and don’t like it when it gets messed up. That is the new routine now. The cows are out during the day and I put them in at night to eat and sleep. The horses now know the new routine and they have calmed down about it. It did take some time to do that though. Animals are smart. A plus with watching them run at full speed, looks like Chief’s leg is feeling better. When he got here, he seemed to have had an injury but now he seems to have gotten over that. 

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