Sunday, December 5, 2021

Roosters Stand off

 I am not sure what the ratio of roosters to hens should be. When we got to this house we had 2 roosters and 10 hens. We have lost some hens and we have grown more as well. We now have 4 roosters and 25 hens. I have watched the roosters square off to each other and fight. I actually had 5 roosters and one of them has disappeared. I’m guessing there was a square off and one of them didn’t make it. For the most part, the roosters stay away from each other except the two that were hatched together. The one that disappeared was also one that was hatched with the other 2 but I really don’t know what else could have happened to him. I have seen Rowdy square off with 2 of the other roosters in the last couple of days. Rowdy is definitely a protector of at least 5 hens. The ones that were all hatched together. He is a beautiful rooster, but I’m afraid he is getting aggressive. I’m not real sure about roosters. I don’t have no much experience on hens and roosters. I will see what happens and hope that I don’t start missing more roosters. Especially George. He is my favorite. I have seen him and Rowdy squared up, but George took off. He stays away from most all chickens more lately. He is getting older. I have seen Junior and George squared up also. I am keeping an eye out. 

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