Friday, December 31, 2021

In Harmony

Here at the Wayward Farm, we are all a little different and a little much to handle at times. One thing I can say here is we all live in harmony. The goats let the chickens lay eggs in their house. The cats live with Edith the chicken in the shop and no one has died. The donkeys live with the goats. The other donkeys live with the chickens and cows. We have dogs and cats in the house and it hasn’t fallen down yet. Some of the chickens roost with the donkeys and goats. Some of the chickens roost with the cows. The chickens do go over and visit the horses also. The donkeys and horses usually have a chat or two during the day over the fence. The cows and the little goats share their hay with Cracker Jack and Noma even. The cows are also giving enough to share their feed with the chickens. These guys accept each other and love each other, most of the time. For the end of 2021, I would like to challenge us all to accept each other and love each other in 2022 just like these animals do. Life is hard enough without us fighting and hating each other because of our differences. Let’s make the world a better place in 2022. Let go of your hate, that starts with you. Happy New Year!! 

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